That time may be
right now.
If you’re a
seasoned entrepreneur or business professional, you've been on the firing line since day one, and while
you may have been knocked around a bit, you’ve learned from the struggle and found ultimate success. Everyone wants to be inspired. Perhaps you’re just the person to
inspire. Writing your own book can be a tremendously worthwhile vehicle because it allows you to formally express your knowledge and expertise. And don’t forget, since your life is unique, you’re perspective is also unique. Even if you need a little help organizing your thoughts and writing some of the pages, your book will
always be yours. Check out the
infographic below if you need a little inspiration.
Dreams can come true, and for successful entrepreneurs, the dream already has. Now might be the perfect time to put the icing on the cake. What you see in the graphic is the very top tier of self-publishing success stories. People like +Ken Blanchard of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame and +David Chilton who wrote and self-published the Wealthy Barber. And others like +Tom Peters who co-authored and self-published In Search of Excellence.
Few business authors experience this kind of success, but that misses the point. If you're an entrepreneur, is selling millions of copies realistic? Is it even what matters? Consider this: thousands of professionally written business books do exceptionally well for their authors without ever coming close to best-seller territory. Why? Because they do something else that (as it turns out) can be far more profitable (not to mention enduring) than bestsellerdom. They propel the author to expert status within the circle of people who really count: clients and customers and prospects. Want more reasons to consider writing a business book? Click here.
4 facts you should know